My two days in Amsterdam were different. I was with my two friends, having a city holiday. I could leave my stuff to their hotel room and spend time in the city as a normal tourist, without a huge backpack and dust in my legs. We went to see a gig. I could sleep inside, on a soft, comfortable bed. I slept so well, by the way. The night was best in ages. My friends were so nice. I could sleep with them, to discuss deeply about things.
Late night, I went wandering my own, with harmonica. I wanted to explore, see the people going to their ways. I felt like I'm not part of their reality. Maybe I even wanted to feel alienated from them, an outsider. I enjoyed being alone. I went to look for food, a strange habit I learned. I found some chips. I went to play harmonica by the canal, like in some romantic movies. Nothing happened, however :/. I meandered in parks and met some alternative people to play guitar with. Some young, 16 year old people, hitch-hiked from east Germany! And I thought I was young :O.
I hadn't done check-in yet to the flight so I had to pay some additional bullshit, also for my backpack. But then, I was approaching Helsinki. Lights just closed down in the plane. Soon, I'm back home, alive, happy with new friends, and wiser.. well, hopefully. Life carries and supports you, wherever you go.
Mental attitude during the trip is different compared to normal routine life. Lots of energy, no worries, simple life. You are careless, positive and radiate good energy. People you meet usually come along for short times only, few days max. But they stay, at least in your heart. I remember all the people I met, so vividly. In petrol stations, borders, parks, some sketchy forest paths in the middle of the night.
I sometimes forget how my attitude was back then. I think, sometimes, I get that same, positive glowing feeling in my everyday life. And I remember how it was hard for me to adapt back, like there was no adventure anymore. That's depressing. But there are always adventures. You just need to see and search for them.
FINALLY, it might interest my dear readers, how much did all of this cost..
I counted everything, food, bus, plane tickets, money transfer costs, festivals, gig tickets, EVERYTHING. In three weeks, I spent 600e. For the first 8 days, I spent 54e.
This blog is about experiences, flourishing and conscious practice of self-development via different ways not that popular for a normal western world citizen.
Writing platforms can be found anywhere!
Manifesting depths on mud
To get a mental kick on myself, to feel where I'm capable of, to overcome some of my fears , I decided to face a challenge.
It's originally found here:
So, for the next 30 days, I must do at least one of the following each day (not all three):
- Something you fear
- Something you’ve been putting off
- Something you’ve never done before.
I will write about the next insane 30 days here at least weekly. And I'm not alone, there's 11 others of us. You can read of other's experience at
keskiviikko 20. marraskuuta 2013
maanantai 21. lokakuuta 2013
Wednesday 21.8 (Day 21) Hamburg- Amsterdam
Last day of hitch-hiking, but not an easy one. I had to travel around 475 km before System Of a Down start its concert. I had around 12 hours time but I already had the ticket so it was necessary to be there on time.. but also awake! Hitching is a tiring activity sometimes.
For the first time during the trip, I had an alarm for morning, that I would succeed on my effort. I woke up 7 am, sun shined. Went straight to the petrol station looking for lift. I met two German hitch-hikers. They were just starting their trip. The boy even gave me a sandwich :). I asked for a lift around 1½ hours, until a young woman came to me and said she could drive me to Bremen. Wow! Young women rarely do that. It was nice talking with her. With her sport car, I got quickly to Bremen. She left me to a big petrol station. I went to look for a lift to Osnabrück, my next destination.
After 1 hour, a big truck stopped there. It was loaded with pigs, probably going to a slaughterhouse. It was easy to notice them due to the noises. I went to see them. There were so many of them. I wanted to cheer them up a bit. Only thing which came to my mind was that I gave the rest of the raisins to them I had with me, so they could chew something sweet and tasty before getting slaughtered.
Finally, I got a lift from 3 elder people. They haven't ever took a hitch-hiker before. They were going to Osnabrück, to see their relative's newborn child. One of their children liked Finland a lot. They took plenty of pictures of me, because it was such a unique experience for them. I asked them to send those pictures to me but they never did, unfortunately :/.
Immediately after the lift, I spotted a car with the Netherlands-registration plate. This could go to right direction. There was a middle-aged woman filling that car. She was suspicious at first but accepted to take me when I said I'm from Finland. It was also the first time for her to take a hitch-hiker. She laughed to herself that her daughter will be shocked about this. She was clever and analytical. It was inspiring to talk with her. She drove me to Enschede, to a petrol station. She really gave me a good mood.
After 10 min, I got a lift from a Danish truck driver. He couldn't speak English very well and wasn't very talkative, so I slept most of the time. He drove me to 10 km from Amsterdam. I thanked him a lot. After 5 min, I got a lift from a young guy who drove to Amsterdam city centre. He worked at Amnesty International and had done lots of things with the alternative music scene in Amsterdam. He said the atmosphere in there is going stricter. Local government isn't that liberal anymore and doesn't give space for alternative people to arrange events. He was cool.
Then, finally, I got to Amsterdam. Last destination reached, very smoothly. And it was only 2 pm.
Distance traveled for the day: 475km
For the first time during the trip, I had an alarm for morning, that I would succeed on my effort. I woke up 7 am, sun shined. Went straight to the petrol station looking for lift. I met two German hitch-hikers. They were just starting their trip. The boy even gave me a sandwich :). I asked for a lift around 1½ hours, until a young woman came to me and said she could drive me to Bremen. Wow! Young women rarely do that. It was nice talking with her. With her sport car, I got quickly to Bremen. She left me to a big petrol station. I went to look for a lift to Osnabrück, my next destination.
After 1 hour, a big truck stopped there. It was loaded with pigs, probably going to a slaughterhouse. It was easy to notice them due to the noises. I went to see them. There were so many of them. I wanted to cheer them up a bit. Only thing which came to my mind was that I gave the rest of the raisins to them I had with me, so they could chew something sweet and tasty before getting slaughtered.
Finally, I got a lift from 3 elder people. They haven't ever took a hitch-hiker before. They were going to Osnabrück, to see their relative's newborn child. One of their children liked Finland a lot. They took plenty of pictures of me, because it was such a unique experience for them. I asked them to send those pictures to me but they never did, unfortunately :/.
Immediately after the lift, I spotted a car with the Netherlands-registration plate. This could go to right direction. There was a middle-aged woman filling that car. She was suspicious at first but accepted to take me when I said I'm from Finland. It was also the first time for her to take a hitch-hiker. She laughed to herself that her daughter will be shocked about this. She was clever and analytical. It was inspiring to talk with her. She drove me to Enschede, to a petrol station. She really gave me a good mood.
After 10 min, I got a lift from a Danish truck driver. He couldn't speak English very well and wasn't very talkative, so I slept most of the time. He drove me to 10 km from Amsterdam. I thanked him a lot. After 5 min, I got a lift from a young guy who drove to Amsterdam city centre. He worked at Amnesty International and had done lots of things with the alternative music scene in Amsterdam. He said the atmosphere in there is going stricter. Local government isn't that liberal anymore and doesn't give space for alternative people to arrange events. He was cool.
Then, finally, I got to Amsterdam. Last destination reached, very smoothly. And it was only 2 pm.
Distance traveled for the day: 475km
sunnuntai 13. lokakuuta 2013
Tuesday 20.8 (Day 20) Billund- Hamburg
I spent my night in Zadar airport. During security check, I had to give away my little Swiss knife, which had been traveling with me the last 10 years. It had come very handy in every situation. I should have known that this might happen but.. no can do.
Therefore, I got a bit sad. I started to make a hitching sign while waiting for the flight. One young guy noticed this and came talking with me. He was boheme, liberal, from Copenhagen and had also done hitch-hiking. We came along well. He was coming from the Rainbow-gathering. He said his father could give me a short lift from Billund airport, which was a positive surprise. We talked about structural flaws in society and democracy :). Pretty high-flown.
After arrival in Billund, we met a young nice group also coming from Lost Theory. A bit later I found out that my new friend's father wasn't able to give me a lift, but fortunately, the group we met were so kind to give me a lift to a petrol station near Vejle. It was along the highway, so I could easily get a lift towards south.
However, it wasn't as easy as I thought. I had to ask from many trucks and cars, lasting around 1½ hours. There was even one truck with Finnish registration sign!!
Finally, I got a ride from a car. He was a middle-aged man, and had given lifts before. I travelled around 40 km to south, to Kolding. There I got almost immediately a 10 km lift. They left me to a break spot for cars. After an hour of searching, Romanian truck driver drove me near to Germany border. He was funny and smart fellow. It's always interesting to hear critical thinking of one's home countries, this time Romania. The thing is interesting there. They have such a beautiful landscape, lots of natural resources, potential for tourism, but still the country's not doing very well. Of course heritage from Cold War and Ceausescu (the dictator) still effects.
The driver had this funny cigarette-making machine, which I hadn't ever used before. He didn't think he would return to Romania for a while. He lives in Germany, tries to search a fine lady and drives a truck around the neighbor countries. He had a dream of traveling around places and searching for old castles.
He left me next to truck toll, where the trucks continue their destination. I got a lift almost immediately. He was going to Hamburg but because of strict working hour-agreements, he couldn't continue any further because his daily working hours were finished. So he had to left me to break spot, about 70 km from Hamburg to north. I thanked him very much and he felt a bit sad because he couldn't drive me any further. I didn't expect this to happen but decided to continue because there was still light. However, there wasn't many cars at the break spot, which whom to ask.
I asked from an elder couple. First they were a bit suspicious but then they were able to help me. However, at the same time, another car stopped. I went to ask from the driver and he said he was able to drive me near Hamburg. I thanked the elder couple and jumped in to the car. He couldn't speak well English but I found out he was a car mechanic. He was extremely helpful. As we stopped to a petrol station around 10km from Hamburg, he came with me to search for a lift, but I said he doesn't need to do that. I thanked him and went to look for a lift to Bremen. It was already dark, so it's harder to find one. People think me as more suspicious (than normally).
One driver first said they were going to a different direction, but as we looked at the map, we found out his direction is even better than my route. He thought for a second and finally said the car is full....
I mean, why didn't he say that in the beginning? He gave me hope and then smashed it. Well, I just said how unfortunate and continued hitching for few minutes but got tired and motivation was also gone. I went to look for a place to sleep, and found one behind the petrol station, in a little forest. First it was very pleasant but later I found out I should have used wool socks, because the night was already a bit cold
Distance travelled for the day: 286 km
Therefore, I got a bit sad. I started to make a hitching sign while waiting for the flight. One young guy noticed this and came talking with me. He was boheme, liberal, from Copenhagen and had also done hitch-hiking. We came along well. He was coming from the Rainbow-gathering. He said his father could give me a short lift from Billund airport, which was a positive surprise. We talked about structural flaws in society and democracy :). Pretty high-flown.
After arrival in Billund, we met a young nice group also coming from Lost Theory. A bit later I found out that my new friend's father wasn't able to give me a lift, but fortunately, the group we met were so kind to give me a lift to a petrol station near Vejle. It was along the highway, so I could easily get a lift towards south.
However, it wasn't as easy as I thought. I had to ask from many trucks and cars, lasting around 1½ hours. There was even one truck with Finnish registration sign!!
Finally, I got a ride from a car. He was a middle-aged man, and had given lifts before. I travelled around 40 km to south, to Kolding. There I got almost immediately a 10 km lift. They left me to a break spot for cars. After an hour of searching, Romanian truck driver drove me near to Germany border. He was funny and smart fellow. It's always interesting to hear critical thinking of one's home countries, this time Romania. The thing is interesting there. They have such a beautiful landscape, lots of natural resources, potential for tourism, but still the country's not doing very well. Of course heritage from Cold War and Ceausescu (the dictator) still effects.
The driver had this funny cigarette-making machine, which I hadn't ever used before. He didn't think he would return to Romania for a while. He lives in Germany, tries to search a fine lady and drives a truck around the neighbor countries. He had a dream of traveling around places and searching for old castles.
He left me next to truck toll, where the trucks continue their destination. I got a lift almost immediately. He was going to Hamburg but because of strict working hour-agreements, he couldn't continue any further because his daily working hours were finished. So he had to left me to break spot, about 70 km from Hamburg to north. I thanked him very much and he felt a bit sad because he couldn't drive me any further. I didn't expect this to happen but decided to continue because there was still light. However, there wasn't many cars at the break spot, which whom to ask.
I asked from an elder couple. First they were a bit suspicious but then they were able to help me. However, at the same time, another car stopped. I went to ask from the driver and he said he was able to drive me near Hamburg. I thanked the elder couple and jumped in to the car. He couldn't speak well English but I found out he was a car mechanic. He was extremely helpful. As we stopped to a petrol station around 10km from Hamburg, he came with me to search for a lift, but I said he doesn't need to do that. I thanked him and went to look for a lift to Bremen. It was already dark, so it's harder to find one. People think me as more suspicious (than normally).
One driver first said they were going to a different direction, but as we looked at the map, we found out his direction is even better than my route. He thought for a second and finally said the car is full....
I mean, why didn't he say that in the beginning? He gave me hope and then smashed it. Well, I just said how unfortunate and continued hitching for few minutes but got tired and motivation was also gone. I went to look for a place to sleep, and found one behind the petrol station, in a little forest. First it was very pleasant but later I found out I should have used wool socks, because the night was already a bit cold
Distance travelled for the day: 286 km
maanantai 7. lokakuuta 2013
Friday 16th- Monday 19th (Days 16-19) Festival life + Deringaj- Zadar
Lost Theory- festival life:
I won't depict details of my festival life, but I say some general and interesting events.
Festival area was a broad valley, surrounded by mountains covered by forest. There ran a river just next the festival area. It was part of a nature protection area. It was allowed to swim in the river, and the water was very refreshing under a hot climate. Nights were cold, though.
Music was mostly psychedelic music, techno, house, minimal end experimental. And decoration was mind-blowing, especially during the night. Imaginary shapes pointed at the trees with using lights and different materials, with the music sounds. Rather surrealistic. And then all the people wandering around the area, dancing like beasts in their own flow throughout the night, chilling around. It was easy to meet new people and the atmosphere was international.
Afterwards I heard all the electricity was generated through aggregates. It was a big negative side, because the festival wanted to market itself as environmentally friendly.
I had some sketchy meetings with people in weird environments. Well, they improved my self-consciousness and I could learn new things about myself, but one certain amazing event happened.
During the last night, I couldn't dance anymore, it was around 4 am. First I thought of going to sleep, but instead, I started walking to the river, in the dark, with my head lamp. As I thought, there was a campfire, other side of the river. I walked over the dam with my barefoot, because the dam was underwater. I went next to the campfire. There were some French people, which couldn't speak English very well, and then a Bosnian guy. Others went sleeping and I kept on talking with the Bosnian guy. He loved the area, and nature in there. He had been there for ages and wanted to keep it pure and clean. Apparently, there was some debate that the area will be sold to someone, who would block open access to the place. We stayed awake till the sun rose, talking philosophical things, praising women (especially our mother's) and drinking beer. I went swimming to the cold river. It was magical cos' no one was around and fog rose from water. I heard only the sound of river rapids. I could even warm myself with the campfire. I said goodbye to the Bosnian guy and went sleeping.
On Monday, Lost Theory was over, and I had to get to Zadar somehow, cos' my flight was about to leave there on next day. I said goodbye to all nice people I had met there and headed for the parking area. I asked for a lift and had a sign. After a while, however, I decided to take a minibus there. I was very tired so it was an easy choice. There was also few other people in the bus. I slept almost the whole journey. After we arrived, we went to have a beer with one German guy, which was a chill thing to do. He had done WWOOFing, volunteering in an organic farm. I got interested in it and that's certainly one thing I will do in some point. I had also bought food from a shop so then I took a bus to the airport and slept my night over there. I slept on soft benches in a corner. There were also pillows. I decided to give them to other sleeping people, to make them feel a bit more comfortable.
During the last night, I couldn't dance anymore, it was around 4 am. First I thought of going to sleep, but instead, I started walking to the river, in the dark, with my head lamp. As I thought, there was a campfire, other side of the river. I walked over the dam with my barefoot, because the dam was underwater. I went next to the campfire. There were some French people, which couldn't speak English very well, and then a Bosnian guy. Others went sleeping and I kept on talking with the Bosnian guy. He loved the area, and nature in there. He had been there for ages and wanted to keep it pure and clean. Apparently, there was some debate that the area will be sold to someone, who would block open access to the place. We stayed awake till the sun rose, talking philosophical things, praising women (especially our mother's) and drinking beer. I went swimming to the cold river. It was magical cos' no one was around and fog rose from water. I heard only the sound of river rapids. I could even warm myself with the campfire. I said goodbye to the Bosnian guy and went sleeping.
On Monday, Lost Theory was over, and I had to get to Zadar somehow, cos' my flight was about to leave there on next day. I said goodbye to all nice people I had met there and headed for the parking area. I asked for a lift and had a sign. After a while, however, I decided to take a minibus there. I was very tired so it was an easy choice. There was also few other people in the bus. I slept almost the whole journey. After we arrived, we went to have a beer with one German guy, which was a chill thing to do. He had done WWOOFing, volunteering in an organic farm. I got interested in it and that's certainly one thing I will do in some point. I had also bought food from a shop so then I took a bus to the airport and slept my night over there. I slept on soft benches in a corner. There were also pillows. I decided to give them to other sleeping people, to make them feel a bit more comfortable.
sunnuntai 29. syyskuuta 2013
Thursday 15.8, (Day 15) Sibenik- Deringaj
Let me tell something about Ivan. He used to live in Zagreb with his family. Eventually, apparently he got frustrated to the atmosphere of a city and alienation from nature. They decided to move to Sibenik's countryside, where he bought a piece of land and built a new home. They planted fruit trees, different vegetables, herbs, founded a chicken farm. Some of the bio waste, such as fruit peels, go to chickens. Chicken's feces act as fertilizer to the ground, so there's no need for artificial fertilizers. They have partly succeeded in closing the loop with waste. True waste management!! They also make wine by using grapes they have. Food they use is almost always produced nearby. Ivan said one particular sentence I remember: " Natural, green, but not extreme!".
I kind of forgot I had to continue hitching. Instead, I went swimming with others to a lake, a very special one, one reason why the place was a national park. There were waterfalls, little ones, so you could go under and get yourself a water massage. There was also an old hydro station, apparently the oldest one in Europe. Water flowed to a depression, so it formed a natural Jacuzzi. Of course I went there and well.. It was unbelievable! There was also a delta, which formed a diverse habitat for different species.
However, thing which harms me, when living in a countryside, is the necessary need for a car. And eating animals, which is, however, from organic and local livestock. Ivan is very interested in politics an bravely puts critique on politicians and arguments with them, which I support. For that reason, we had interesting conversations. He had also been in the Yugoslavian war.
Ivan came to wake me up. Straight when I joined to others, I got a cup of coffee. They were going to buy some bread from a bakery. I joined with them with the cup and we drove to the bakery. Personnel were Albanian and professionals at doing such delicious breads. I stared at the products with my mouth open, with the coffee cup in my hand. Then buying some stuff for a big dinner with their relatives, which was going to take place in a national park. Our plan was that I continue hitching after we have had the dinner.
When we got back, we ate scrambled eggs (from the chickens of course!). Ivan had to say few times that I have to focus on eating, not talking. After breakfast Ivan showed the chickens. For the first time in my life, I picked up eggs straight from the chickens and could hold them in my hands. I felt so sincere. Then eating ficus straight from a tree.
Then, we packed all our stuff to cars and headed first for a traditional visit to a monastery island in the middle of a lake, near a national park. There was a mass going on. After the mass, we wished peace for each others and for the first time, I ate Holy Bread, albeit I'm not a Christian. We strolled around that beautiful place. Monks take care of the wonderful gardens they had over there. We returned back from the island and met more relatives, which were familiar and comfortable. Then we drove to an old, small, original village.
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Sitting in an old village |
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In the cellar, meat hanging with white mold on it |
We went to a cellar. there were meat pieces hanging from the ceiling, with white mold culture on them. They were going to be delicious, in which the mold decays the meat and gives a certain taste.
We continued to a former battleground, in which Ivan had been to, fighting for Croatia 20 years ago. It's odd to imagine the landscape in that way. There weren't any visual links to the war. However, there are still mines left in the ground.
Then, we went to Krka national park. The whole family, consisting of relatives and friends, approximately 20 people, gathered together to eat. And what did we eat?? We ate a whole lamb. For the first time, I ate brains :P.
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Everybody's watching when vegetarian feasts on lamb meat |
Then a coffee and after we drove away, to a little town which had a party because of the religious holiday. The town had a nickname: "Oklahoma City". The sun was already setting. I got worried that how can I continue hitching, if I'm going to be alone in the dark night of Croatian countryside. What happened?? Something unbelievable. They decided to drive me straight to the festival, distance being around 70km. The gratitude I felt had no limits. How can these things happen. They even gave me 3 liters of home made wine and a piece of lamb for provision! Younger ones came with me so I had to say goodbye to the ones who had taken so good care of me. We were all pretty tired. Finally, we got to the festival and it was the time for goodbye. For a while I felt as being a part of the family. I will never forget them. I can't ever show them the gratitude I felt. It was the end of one adventure and beginning of other one. I found my friends (from Finland) from the camping area and got very happy. I could even sleep in their tent. It was strange to speak Finnish with them. Soon I felt asleep.
Travelled distance for the day: 121 km
tiistai 24. syyskuuta 2013
Wednesday 14.8, (Day 14) Split - Sibenik
I woke up around 7 am at the ferry. I went to a deck to see the view. Croatian coastal line is just beautiful. Ferry was already approaching the harbor so I went to a bottom deck with my sign to ask for a lift to Zadar. After asking from many drivers, nobody could give me a lift forward. I stepped out from the ferry among others and went to harbor exit to hitch with a sign. I stood there around 20 min until a guy came and said it's a better spot a bit further. I didn't follow his tip, instead I went to search for a bus to Dugopolje. That was a place recommended. Public transportation is rather feasible so I was okay with it. The driver was helpful and soon I could get out from the right stop, which was a petrol station. It was along a highway which goes partly to right direction.
So my aim was to reach Deringaj, where a psychedelic music festival called Lost Theory, was about to begin on the same day. I couldn't imagine the effort I had to do.. I started asking from the drivers on the petrol station. No result. Some of the people were going to different direction, somebody's car was full, somebody was going to Sibenik, somebody said the car was full although it wasn't. That's one thing which really frustrates me. But no can do. I decided to stay positive and polite. After an hour or two, I went to the road with the sign, with no result. I came back. I made a sign to Zagreb, if it would work better. One more hour. I was getting really desperate. And it was damn hot, like in Italy in August. My water reserves decreased and decreased. I got a 4km lift to a better spot, from a family. Although I just briefly met them, the woman promised to accommodate me if I sometimes arrive to Zagreb. It cheered me up a bit. They drove me near to a high-way toll, where all the cars have to stop and they go to right direction. However, there was a sign "no autostop" although it doesn't make any sense, because we don't cause any threat by hitching in front of a toll. Cars have to stop there anyway.
I wasn't alone. First there came a couple, other at least was from Poland. They also thought hitching in Croatia was surprisingly difficult which I had noticed. Then another couple, two boys also came there hitching. I stood there around an hour and came really really frustrated and tired. After eating only some fruits for breakfast, standing in front of the sun for 4 hours, there's nothing surprising about it.. I was also in a hurry, going to the festival. It was such a surprise for me that hitching can be so hard. On the first hand you meet amazing, helpful, local people but on the other hand, you might stand next to a road for many hours with no result, starving there. In those situations, it's hard to stay positive.
But finally!! A car stopped, an old van. I went straight inside. There was a middle-aged man. He was going to Sibenik. I decided to go because I wanted go forward, no matter how far. His name was Ivan. His English was okay enough, but he could still explain lots of things and I understood. While he was approaching Sibenik and I was supposed to take another lift to continue, he offered if I would like to stay with his family for the night. I thought myself for a while. I wanted to go to the festival but I was also very tired and hungry. Although I didn't know Ivan and I was alone, I decided to agree, because he seemed like an honest man.
He showed me some big dried pieces of meat which were hanging in his friend's cellar. It was a bit gross, but I'm sure they were going to be delicious. I hope they weren't unlucky hitch-hikers.. Then we arrived to his home in Sibenik's countryside. He had built the whole house himself. I could clearly notice he had ideals of what is he doing. He had a garden with lemon, ficus and apple trees, grapes, herbs, melons and much more.. And chickens! Amazing..
We went inside to the living room and there was a part of his family: his wife, their daughter, daughter's boyfriend, boyfriend's mother, his sister and his sister's husband.. and me :D. Younger one's spoke good English but also his sister. They all smiled at me and soon I felt as being a part of their family for a while. They gave me a glass of juice. It felt like heaven.. I was so thirsty. And then we ate together. It was stew with vegetables and lamb. It was all local.
I was so hungry. First time in my life, I ate a kidney. . They kind of saved me and they must have felt hilarious when watching at me, eating like a starving little animal. Then some local dessert and different local wines, some of them they had made themselves.. Aahh, I wouldn't ever have imagined to end up in this miraculous situation.
Then we went to Sibenik with a little group. They showed me historical places, such as a castle and medieval inner city area.. and a local supermarket!
It became dark and we returned back. We talked about politics and global issues. Ivan is very interested in those things which I like. Then I could explain my grass-root ecological thinking with a glass of home-made wine :D. I even think they understood me. Then I could go to sleep to a room, which was under construction, on an air-bed. And I slept so good. Skipping the festival on this day was definitely the right decision.
Distance travelled for the day: 87,7km
We went inside to the living room and there was a part of his family: his wife, their daughter, daughter's boyfriend, boyfriend's mother, his sister and his sister's husband.. and me :D. Younger one's spoke good English but also his sister. They all smiled at me and soon I felt as being a part of their family for a while. They gave me a glass of juice. It felt like heaven.. I was so thirsty. And then we ate together. It was stew with vegetables and lamb. It was all local.
I was so hungry. First time in my life, I ate a kidney. . They kind of saved me and they must have felt hilarious when watching at me, eating like a starving little animal. Then some local dessert and different local wines, some of them they had made themselves.. Aahh, I wouldn't ever have imagined to end up in this miraculous situation.
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Getting cured by lovely people |
Then we went to Sibenik with a little group. They showed me historical places, such as a castle and medieval inner city area.. and a local supermarket!
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Me, Ivan's daughter Tanja and his boyfriend Dario. View from the castle of Sibenik |
It became dark and we returned back. We talked about politics and global issues. Ivan is very interested in those things which I like. Then I could explain my grass-root ecological thinking with a glass of home-made wine :D. I even think they understood me. Then I could go to sleep to a room, which was under construction, on an air-bed. And I slept so good. Skipping the festival on this day was definitely the right decision.
Distance travelled for the day: 87,7km
maanantai 23. syyskuuta 2013
Tuesday 13.8 (Day 13) Ancona
A driver parked next to me in the morning, nearly drove to the fence in which my hammock was attached. even more, he looked at me weirdly. Next surprise was, that the noisy pigeons had shitted on my stuff. The ironic part was, the napkins I used for cleaning had two loving pigeons on the cover. Damn pigeons.. I wanted to empty some of the additional stuff so I left all the made hitching signs leaning on a wall.
I went to seek for a nice place to sit down and eat breakfast which consisted of a melon I bought from Naples. I also found some more cardboard. After walking through a horrible tunnel full of cars, I entered to the city centre. I bought some food and postcards from a shop. I sat on a nice promenade to write the cards. There was a lovely accordion player playing wonderful songs like Girl from Ipanema and Tango d'jealousie. It gave me such a good mood. Then a woman came talking with me. She wanted to give me one euro. Just because she wanted to. I accepted the donation with great gratitude, because she was really willing to.
After I went sleeping to a park for few hours, to have my siesta. Finally I continued my tour around the city, stopped to another park to make a hitching sign for Croatia. Apparently, it works as a good ice-breaker because a couple teenagers came talking with me because of their curiosity of my doings. They were really enthusiast as I told about my trip. They couldn't speak that good English but even helped me to carry my stuff when I started to go towards the harbor of Ancona. They gave me few euros and cigarettes. It's sweet when young people get so inspired. Maybe they will do something similar in the future. I had to wander around the harbor to search for boarding pass, but in the end I entered to the ferry (which goes from Ancona to Split). After enjoying one of the most beautiful sunsets from the ship deck and feeling the slight and warm wind, I went to look for a bench to sleep. I found a very comfortable and soft bench and could sleep quite well :).
I went to seek for a nice place to sit down and eat breakfast which consisted of a melon I bought from Naples. I also found some more cardboard. After walking through a horrible tunnel full of cars, I entered to the city centre. I bought some food and postcards from a shop. I sat on a nice promenade to write the cards. There was a lovely accordion player playing wonderful songs like Girl from Ipanema and Tango d'jealousie. It gave me such a good mood. Then a woman came talking with me. She wanted to give me one euro. Just because she wanted to. I accepted the donation with great gratitude, because she was really willing to.
After I went sleeping to a park for few hours, to have my siesta. Finally I continued my tour around the city, stopped to another park to make a hitching sign for Croatia. Apparently, it works as a good ice-breaker because a couple teenagers came talking with me because of their curiosity of my doings. They were really enthusiast as I told about my trip. They couldn't speak that good English but even helped me to carry my stuff when I started to go towards the harbor of Ancona. They gave me few euros and cigarettes. It's sweet when young people get so inspired. Maybe they will do something similar in the future. I had to wander around the harbor to search for boarding pass, but in the end I entered to the ferry (which goes from Ancona to Split). After enjoying one of the most beautiful sunsets from the ship deck and feeling the slight and warm wind, I went to look for a bench to sleep. I found a very comfortable and soft bench and could sleep quite well :).
sunnuntai 15. syyskuuta 2013
Monday 12.8, (Day 12), Caserta- Ancona
I said goodbye to Carlo's family around 9 am. The moment was emotional so I think they liked me. I even met Carlo's grandmother. She was really sympathetic. I took a train to Naples for a few hours visit.
When walking from the train station I saw a guy wearing a Moomin- T-shirt. The text in it was also in Finnish. I asked about it. He hasn't ever even been to Finland! He was from Morocco.. Interesting..
I went to National Historical Museum of Naples. Lots of stuff about the Roman times. There was even a room for erotic part. What took my focus, was a picture, in which a donkey mounted a lion. Underneath, there was a text which said: " Ass mounting a lion". I got a bit confused.. Obviously someone had misunderstood something.
After I wanted to find a park. After strolling around I didn't find a proper one, but the open, vast landscape over this old city was really nice. Fruits were also really cheap. Plum tomatoes 1,20e/kg, cantaloupe melon 1e/kg!! By coincidence, I found a building fully covered with stylish and thought-provoking graffities. There were young people sitting in front of it, around a table, so I went to talk with them. The place is a social centre, a 20 years old squat. I got a private tour to the place from a nice, helpful woman, who is a volunteer in there. They do all kinds of useful workshops and events in there, such as rehearsal camps and free Italian courses for immigrants. They really wanted to help people. I could easily let my stuff with them outside when I went inside the building. I also tagged my band's name, Tsapuska, to the wall :D.
Naples is famous for pizza, so I had to find myself the best one. Unfortunately, the best (according to locals) pizza place in Naples, called Sorbillo, was having a break. I still got a good Margarita, straight from a stone oven! And Peroni, per noi, which means: "Peroni for everyone". Then, I had to run for a train to Ancona. There was a two hours break in Rome, where I found a cappuccino for 0,80e! I played harmonica at the railway station and few people wanted to buy it from me. And then running to a train again, to Ancona. When I arrived there, it was midnight. First I started sleeping at the train station among other passengers and homeless people. Someone spoke Russian. One even begged for money but I said all I could offer was a piece of melon in the morning. After 3 hours of sleep, guards woke me up and I had to go away. After 15 min walking, I found a random field next to a petrol station. There was an empty (but locked) building next to it, full of pigeons. Their noise was harassing. I set up the hammock in a lousy way, but I could still sleep.
When walking from the train station I saw a guy wearing a Moomin- T-shirt. The text in it was also in Finnish. I asked about it. He hasn't ever even been to Finland! He was from Morocco.. Interesting..
I went to National Historical Museum of Naples. Lots of stuff about the Roman times. There was even a room for erotic part. What took my focus, was a picture, in which a donkey mounted a lion. Underneath, there was a text which said: " Ass mounting a lion". I got a bit confused.. Obviously someone had misunderstood something.
After I wanted to find a park. After strolling around I didn't find a proper one, but the open, vast landscape over this old city was really nice. Fruits were also really cheap. Plum tomatoes 1,20e/kg, cantaloupe melon 1e/kg!! By coincidence, I found a building fully covered with stylish and thought-provoking graffities. There were young people sitting in front of it, around a table, so I went to talk with them. The place is a social centre, a 20 years old squat. I got a private tour to the place from a nice, helpful woman, who is a volunteer in there. They do all kinds of useful workshops and events in there, such as rehearsal camps and free Italian courses for immigrants. They really wanted to help people. I could easily let my stuff with them outside when I went inside the building. I also tagged my band's name, Tsapuska, to the wall :D.
Naples is famous for pizza, so I had to find myself the best one. Unfortunately, the best (according to locals) pizza place in Naples, called Sorbillo, was having a break. I still got a good Margarita, straight from a stone oven! And Peroni, per noi, which means: "Peroni for everyone". Then, I had to run for a train to Ancona. There was a two hours break in Rome, where I found a cappuccino for 0,80e! I played harmonica at the railway station and few people wanted to buy it from me. And then running to a train again, to Ancona. When I arrived there, it was midnight. First I started sleeping at the train station among other passengers and homeless people. Someone spoke Russian. One even begged for money but I said all I could offer was a piece of melon in the morning. After 3 hours of sleep, guards woke me up and I had to go away. After 15 min walking, I found a random field next to a petrol station. There was an empty (but locked) building next to it, full of pigeons. Their noise was harassing. I set up the hammock in a lousy way, but I could still sleep.
lauantai 7. syyskuuta 2013
Thursday 8.- Sunday 11.8, (Days 8-11) Benevento- Caserta
I woke up early and noticed that I had slept almost next to a road. So, I would have had a lot easier access under the bridge by the road than through the jungle-like-man-sized weeds. I started hitching from the same petrol station than yesterday, but soon an old man came and said I should go forward and try there, closer to Caserta. I tried and it worked! After 30min, Mercedes-Benz stopped. An old man, Giovanni, took me around 30km closer and left me to a road on the country-side. I saw goats running in the fields with their bells clinging and an empty old house covered with vines. Cool! I got a lift to Maddaloni, 8km from Caserta. I stayed at a parking area, ate some breakfast (nuts and dried fruits) and waited for Carlo, my Italian friend, who was going to pick me up from there.
Finally he came with his friend, Giovanni. It was so nice to see him again. We went straight to a bar, the thing I needed :). We sat on a terrace, smoking cigarettes of victory, drinking Macchiato and Peroni. Certain old man, got inspired when he met me and offered Peroni's for us.
Finally, we went to Carlo's family, where I stayed few nights. Mother, father, sister, grandmother and a cat. After an amazing dinner (eating rabbit for the first time in my life, tasted like chicken) I said myself I won't be a 100% vegetarian :). Then, Skype-call, Facebook, shower, a short nap, we went out, to see Caserta with Carlo's friends, to see more friends. I learned about the situation with local mafia (Camorra). Then in front of Reggia di Caserta (similar to palace of Versailles, just bigger).
We used cars to go almost everywhere and it was extremely strange for me, to be honest. Lots of people outside. I met Francesco, Carlo's one nice friend, had a guitar! Both of us got excited from Nu-metal and started to compose a new song. All you need is D-drop tuning :D! I also had to say: "Tu sei la piu bella ragazza mai vista" (= you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen) to some girl. There was damn chill house music outside. They played Masters At Work! So euphoric. I was like a Duracell-bunny, dancing myself outside, jumping around places and talking about my trip with people. Most of the people just laughed. A crazy blonde guy, running around places talking strange stories. Friends felt tired and we went sleeping. I could sleep in a bed!! unbelievable. In my humble opinion, car culture in Italy is horrible, and protectionism for property is massive.
Distance travelled for the day: 54km
An interesting fact: After counting all the costs of last eight days of travelling and the donations I got (excluding ferry price), I used only 22e. It's possible to travel very cheaply. Well, I didn't count the costs of dried fruits and nuts I bought in Finland.
9.8. After a slow morning, we went to Reggia di Caserta, through a secret route, so we wouldn't have to pay entrance fee. The place was very beautiful and big, but not taken care of very well. Closed green houses, gardens left alone to grow wild. But in a way, I like when places are left alone like this. More things to explore. But then, cultural value of the place, however, is diminished. The place has so much potential. Nice sculptures, although covered with plants. And the landscape! So royal.. Original plan, few hundred years ago, was much more ambitious, but they ran out of money.
First time in my life, I tasted an orange straight from the tree, but it was too sour. We also saw a viper, a poisonous snake. Then we met Carlo's friend and went to the same bar as yesterday. The old man was also there, and offered Macchiatos for us. I also heard I talk too much. Their prejudice about Finns was a bit different :). It started raining very hard, and we had to use car (again) to return Carlo's house. Then watching Fight Club!
10.8. I bought a ticket to a train in advance. We used bicycles :)!! Then we went to Giovanni's place to eat and play a magic card game with computer. A bit nerdish, but in the end it was fun. I wasn't oriented to play with computer during my trip :D. Carlo's mother had made an amazing dinner with tasty, spicy sauce, with shellfish and special bread. Then we went straight to eat pizza with his friends, where I met Mario and Vincenzo, Carlo's good friends. I was told again I talk too much. Pizza and Peroni was only 5e. I took a dogbag full of pizza with me.
11.8. From the pizza restaurant, we went to a bar, drinking limonchello and local spirit. I got drunk. Then meeting new friends, like Salvatore! Talking with various people. It was fun. Then we went to pack our stuff and drove through the night to a beach. It was 8 o'clock when we arrived. We spent almost the whole day there. Swimming, getting sun burned, talking bullshit, sleeping and bad jokes. I went to talk with a girl, because her hair was blonde. I wondered if she was from Scandinavia. She wasn't but had roots in Poland (Ahh.. Poland). And her hair was coloured, because blonde hair is so awesome ^^. She could give me this photo, taken of us :):
All my friends were very tired after the day. At home, I had a nice conversation with Carlo's parents about Finland's situation. I really enjoyed it, wondering together about educational issues and differences between Italy and Finland. This was the last night in Caserta.
Finally he came with his friend, Giovanni. It was so nice to see him again. We went straight to a bar, the thing I needed :). We sat on a terrace, smoking cigarettes of victory, drinking Macchiato and Peroni. Certain old man, got inspired when he met me and offered Peroni's for us.
Finally, we went to Carlo's family, where I stayed few nights. Mother, father, sister, grandmother and a cat. After an amazing dinner (eating rabbit for the first time in my life, tasted like chicken) I said myself I won't be a 100% vegetarian :). Then, Skype-call, Facebook, shower, a short nap, we went out, to see Caserta with Carlo's friends, to see more friends. I learned about the situation with local mafia (Camorra). Then in front of Reggia di Caserta (similar to palace of Versailles, just bigger).
We used cars to go almost everywhere and it was extremely strange for me, to be honest. Lots of people outside. I met Francesco, Carlo's one nice friend, had a guitar! Both of us got excited from Nu-metal and started to compose a new song. All you need is D-drop tuning :D! I also had to say: "Tu sei la piu bella ragazza mai vista" (= you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen) to some girl. There was damn chill house music outside. They played Masters At Work! So euphoric. I was like a Duracell-bunny, dancing myself outside, jumping around places and talking about my trip with people. Most of the people just laughed. A crazy blonde guy, running around places talking strange stories. Friends felt tired and we went sleeping. I could sleep in a bed!! unbelievable. In my humble opinion, car culture in Italy is horrible, and protectionism for property is massive.
Giovanni and a certain traveller |
Carlo and a certain traveller |
Distance travelled for the day: 54km
An interesting fact: After counting all the costs of last eight days of travelling and the donations I got (excluding ferry price), I used only 22e. It's possible to travel very cheaply. Well, I didn't count the costs of dried fruits and nuts I bought in Finland.
Carlo climbing a bamboo |
First time in my life, I tasted an orange straight from the tree, but it was too sour. We also saw a viper, a poisonous snake. Then we met Carlo's friend and went to the same bar as yesterday. The old man was also there, and offered Macchiatos for us. I also heard I talk too much. Their prejudice about Finns was a bit different :). It started raining very hard, and we had to use car (again) to return Carlo's house. Then watching Fight Club!
Tuomas and Reggia di Caserta |
Barbed wire and Caserta at background |
Home-made liquor made from walnut |
10.8. I bought a ticket to a train in advance. We used bicycles :)!! Then we went to Giovanni's place to eat and play a magic card game with computer. A bit nerdish, but in the end it was fun. I wasn't oriented to play with computer during my trip :D. Carlo's mother had made an amazing dinner with tasty, spicy sauce, with shellfish and special bread. Then we went straight to eat pizza with his friends, where I met Mario and Vincenzo, Carlo's good friends. I was told again I talk too much. Pizza and Peroni was only 5e. I took a dogbag full of pizza with me.
11.8. From the pizza restaurant, we went to a bar, drinking limonchello and local spirit. I got drunk. Then meeting new friends, like Salvatore! Talking with various people. It was fun. Then we went to pack our stuff and drove through the night to a beach. It was 8 o'clock when we arrived. We spent almost the whole day there. Swimming, getting sun burned, talking bullshit, sleeping and bad jokes. I went to talk with a girl, because her hair was blonde. I wondered if she was from Scandinavia. She wasn't but had roots in Poland (Ahh.. Poland). And her hair was coloured, because blonde hair is so awesome ^^. She could give me this photo, taken of us :):
All my friends were very tired after the day. At home, I had a nice conversation with Carlo's parents about Finland's situation. I really enjoyed it, wondering together about educational issues and differences between Italy and Finland. This was the last night in Caserta.
maanantai 2. syyskuuta 2013
Wednesday 7.8, (Day 7) Campobasso- Benevento
The park, in which I woke up, was awesome. There wasn't other people around and the park had plenty of plum trees and few pear trees. So, what can be a better idea than collect lots of plums and pears and eat them as a breakfast? Nothing! Nice.
Then I went for a stroll in the town, bought some beer, cheese and lemonade and sat down to a pizzeria with cold beer. One guy came talking with me for a while. After a while I continued to a park to make a sign. I sat down under a tree. There were kids playing in the park with their mum. A man approached me. He looked tough one, a bit fat and with bad teeth. I got cautious but listened what he had to say. He didn't speak English at all but tried to say something. Apparently he was asking me to go drinking and eating with him. The playing kids came next to him but he chased them away by threatening them with a branch. Their mum came talking with him. I finally realized that he was the man of the family. I refused from his offer. He went sitting down on a bench, alone, while his family kept on playing. He took contact only to the woman and ignored his children completely, even when his son started pissing in the middle of the park. When they got hurt during their play and asked help from him, he just stared elsewhere, smoking cigs. He tried to ask random people to go drinking with him. I know it's sometimes hard to be a dad, but he gives so bad example to his children. That's not educational at all. Luckily I'm not a father.
I went hitching and after an hour I got a lift from a guy who delivers pizza. His name was Francesco and he had enormous pizza on the backseat. He said it was for her girlfriend and it's the size of his heart :). He was a fan of The Clash and we listened Guns of Brixton several times. Obviously, this lift was nice. He drove me a bit further than he was planning to go, to a place called Attilia. It was an archaeological site, consisting of an old Roman time village with ruins of basilica's, market place and an amphitheater. I could even imagine the Roman time environment, because of all the farms around the valley and little traffic. I noticed, that during the night, my melon juice had started to ferment in the water bottles. So, I had accidental hitching drink, to make it funnier. After few hours, I got a lift from a nice guy to Benevento. He gave me bananas and orange juice!!
I started immediately to make a sign at the petrol station where he left me. Personnel in there came talking with me and donated a water bottle and half a pack of cigarettes. Hitching didn't work. After 2 hours, I went to look for a place to sleep. It was harder than I thought. I ended up struggling through a man sized weeds, so like a jungle, filled with sounds of grasshoppers! Without a machete. Finally I got myself under a bridge. There was two trees where I could put my hammock. They were spiky. I was damn sweaty that it was moist to sleep and hard. And it was only 10 pm when I went sleeping. And all the sounds of the jungle were so permeable.
Distance travelled for the day: 66km
Then I went for a stroll in the town, bought some beer, cheese and lemonade and sat down to a pizzeria with cold beer. One guy came talking with me for a while. After a while I continued to a park to make a sign. I sat down under a tree. There were kids playing in the park with their mum. A man approached me. He looked tough one, a bit fat and with bad teeth. I got cautious but listened what he had to say. He didn't speak English at all but tried to say something. Apparently he was asking me to go drinking and eating with him. The playing kids came next to him but he chased them away by threatening them with a branch. Their mum came talking with him. I finally realized that he was the man of the family. I refused from his offer. He went sitting down on a bench, alone, while his family kept on playing. He took contact only to the woman and ignored his children completely, even when his son started pissing in the middle of the park. When they got hurt during their play and asked help from him, he just stared elsewhere, smoking cigs. He tried to ask random people to go drinking with him. I know it's sometimes hard to be a dad, but he gives so bad example to his children. That's not educational at all. Luckily I'm not a father.
I went hitching and after an hour I got a lift from a guy who delivers pizza. His name was Francesco and he had enormous pizza on the backseat. He said it was for her girlfriend and it's the size of his heart :). He was a fan of The Clash and we listened Guns of Brixton several times. Obviously, this lift was nice. He drove me a bit further than he was planning to go, to a place called Attilia. It was an archaeological site, consisting of an old Roman time village with ruins of basilica's, market place and an amphitheater. I could even imagine the Roman time environment, because of all the farms around the valley and little traffic. I noticed, that during the night, my melon juice had started to ferment in the water bottles. So, I had accidental hitching drink, to make it funnier. After few hours, I got a lift from a nice guy to Benevento. He gave me bananas and orange juice!!
I started immediately to make a sign at the petrol station where he left me. Personnel in there came talking with me and donated a water bottle and half a pack of cigarettes. Hitching didn't work. After 2 hours, I went to look for a place to sleep. It was harder than I thought. I ended up struggling through a man sized weeds, so like a jungle, filled with sounds of grasshoppers! Without a machete. Finally I got myself under a bridge. There was two trees where I could put my hammock. They were spiky. I was damn sweaty that it was moist to sleep and hard. And it was only 10 pm when I went sleeping. And all the sounds of the jungle were so permeable.
Distance travelled for the day: 66km
sunnuntai 1. syyskuuta 2013
Tuesday 6.8, (Day 6) San Benedetto Del Tronto - Campobasso
I woke up into amazing moment at the beach. Sun was just about to rise from the horizon, beyond the sea. It was a bit cool, only a slight wind and just few people walking along the beach. It was very early but I couldn't sleep anymore. Personnel from the bar said I could stay on the chair till 8 am. He was kind to do that.
I went swimming to the sea which had cooled down. So refreshing! I could take this day easier because I had appointment with my friend on Thursday and only few hundred kilometers left. After I went straight to continue my big project: Eating watermelon. I saw few white butterflies flying towards the sun, to the sea. Thought-provoking and poetic.. People stared at me while I sat on the beach, eating huge melon. I was tired but I couldn't sleep on the chairs because they were private. I went to sit on a grass next to a promenade, to make a sign.
It was problematic to go for a toilet because I couldn't leave my stuff alone for a long time. I had to find some other way. I had watched a video on how to piss publicly without noticing, so problem solved, partly. Apparently some group of Bangladesh people noticed me and stared at me for a while. I ignored them and continued drawing. One of them came talking with me, just for curiosity. I got a bit cautious although he was just interested about my things. Making a hitching sign really works as a good ice breaker. I was running out of water and didn't want to buy water bottles so I started collecting juice from the melon to my bottles and could fill them!
Then to a shower at the beach, to a shop to buy plum tomatoes (2,00e/kg) and to a junction near the highway with a sign towards Pescara and Termoli. After 2 lifts and 2 hours, I finally got to an Autogrill (petrol stations along the highway). The latter driver offered me a coffee and a water bottle. He was an engineer and pretty smart guy (almost every academic guy I met in Italy were engineers). While searching a lift from Autogrill, a family passed by and after a moment, a young woman from the family, came back with a rice bowl and offered it to me. I took it with a great gratitude and came so glad. She spoke good English. We started to talk about various things. She was so helpful! She gave her phone number if I would need any help in Italy. Also her aunt came and eventually had some courage to talk English with me. Then, she gave 10 euros, just for the support. These kind of people really return faith to humankind <3.
It took 2 small lifts, few disappointments and finally, I could get a longer one from a nice couple, which were going hiking, also really friendly and supportive. The woman said I have a beautiful voice :). They also gave me a boiled egg and drove me to a petrol station, which was on my way to Campobasso, although it wasn't on their way.
It had come dark. There was a young couple, filling their car. I went speaking with the guy. First, the girl was really cautious and scared of me but they finally they agreed to take me. It gave me such a good feeling when she started to trust me. She even gave me a cig. They drove me to Campobasso and gave some cupcakes :). They left me next to a park, which hadn't been taken care of. Therefore, it was easy for me to find a good spot to put hammock.
Distance travelled for the day: 247km
torstai 29. elokuuta 2013
Monday, 5.8 (Day 5) Innsbruck- St. Benedetto Del Tronto
Bench was a hard place to sleep but Wien-Brno sign helped me a bit and it was sunny again :). Felt good. A bus to city centre and a walk to petrol station. After 45 min, Austrian man called Arnold, picked me up. He didn't know Tallinn and even Arnold Schwarzenegger until people in Nicaragua told him that. What a hell?!
He took me to Europe Bridge, big bridge near Italian border. There was a big resting place and a petrol station etc. so lots of cars and easier to hitch.
After a while, British guy Richard took me to his Lada, in which he was proud of. He was an engineer and worked near Geneve. He told that Switzerland is a damn rich place and sometimes even fasistic because of the local democracy. He drove me to Trento, by accident. Just next to the car slot he stopped on a petrol station, I got a lift immediately from a Dutch family. They were going for a vacation in southern Italy. They had just the place for one person.
They were extremely nice. They were really interested in my things and they had a bit similar mindset than me. Their son liked dried reindeer meat:). They gave hope for my future. They drove me to a petrol station near Ancona, because I wanted to go for a beach there. Then it got hard. I had several lifts along the highway but no one was going to Ancona directly. I got frustrated after 2 hours and decided to catch a lift somewhere else. I asked from an elder man, wearing a shirt of UK flag (In fact, thereby I thought he spoke good English, but he didn't). His name was Massimo (awesome name). He had his own company, working with civil engineering. I heard several times from the drivers that business isn't doing well in Italy, because of high taxes and inefficient public sector.
He drove me to St. Benedetto Del Tronto. He even found me a shop I could buy some food. He was awesome. I bought a water melon (11.360kg) and a bottle of wine and went straight to the beach to swim. Oh my god. The feeling.. And the stars. Some Russian guys were laughing with themselves nearby. I started to eat the water melon, which was a long effort. And the amount of urine! 11,360kg of water melon = how many litres of urine?? Answer: Too much! :/
I started to drink some wine and ended up hanging out with local teenagers on a beach. It was so hilarious. Reminded me of my teenager years. Like, they're telling to each other that somebody likes somebody etc. They went away and I went to search for a place to sleep.
First, I went next to a hotel. There was a dead angle spot so almost no one could notice me. I laid down sleeping bag and went sleeping. After a while I woke up and felt fucking dizzy. The feeling was similar than being langers (3rd definition). It was because of the sulfuric kind of smoke which came from the hotel and was obviously toxic. Never again. All kinds of shitty things come from human action. I went quickly away and felt better. I found a shining jewelry from the ground. It glowed in the dark. I went to a beach, sleeping on a bench. A guard came and said I'm not allowed to sleep. He went away and I chose another bench, on a darker place.
Distance travelled for the day: 691km
He took me to Europe Bridge, big bridge near Italian border. There was a big resting place and a petrol station etc. so lots of cars and easier to hitch.
After a while, British guy Richard took me to his Lada, in which he was proud of. He was an engineer and worked near Geneve. He told that Switzerland is a damn rich place and sometimes even fasistic because of the local democracy. He drove me to Trento, by accident. Just next to the car slot he stopped on a petrol station, I got a lift immediately from a Dutch family. They were going for a vacation in southern Italy. They had just the place for one person.
They were extremely nice. They were really interested in my things and they had a bit similar mindset than me. Their son liked dried reindeer meat:). They gave hope for my future. They drove me to a petrol station near Ancona, because I wanted to go for a beach there. Then it got hard. I had several lifts along the highway but no one was going to Ancona directly. I got frustrated after 2 hours and decided to catch a lift somewhere else. I asked from an elder man, wearing a shirt of UK flag (In fact, thereby I thought he spoke good English, but he didn't). His name was Massimo (awesome name). He had his own company, working with civil engineering. I heard several times from the drivers that business isn't doing well in Italy, because of high taxes and inefficient public sector.
He drove me to St. Benedetto Del Tronto. He even found me a shop I could buy some food. He was awesome. I bought a water melon (11.360kg) and a bottle of wine and went straight to the beach to swim. Oh my god. The feeling.. And the stars. Some Russian guys were laughing with themselves nearby. I started to eat the water melon, which was a long effort. And the amount of urine! 11,360kg of water melon = how many litres of urine?? Answer: Too much! :/
I started to drink some wine and ended up hanging out with local teenagers on a beach. It was so hilarious. Reminded me of my teenager years. Like, they're telling to each other that somebody likes somebody etc. They went away and I went to search for a place to sleep.
First, I went next to a hotel. There was a dead angle spot so almost no one could notice me. I laid down sleeping bag and went sleeping. After a while I woke up and felt fucking dizzy. The feeling was similar than being langers (3rd definition). It was because of the sulfuric kind of smoke which came from the hotel and was obviously toxic. Never again. All kinds of shitty things come from human action. I went quickly away and felt better. I found a shining jewelry from the ground. It glowed in the dark. I went to a beach, sleeping on a bench. A guard came and said I'm not allowed to sleep. He went away and I chose another bench, on a darker place.
Distance travelled for the day: 691km
tiistai 27. elokuuta 2013
Sunday 4.8, (Day 4) Mikulov - Innsbruck
Special about this day:
- First time in my life, a girl picked me up.
- First time in my life, I slept on a bench in a park
- Hanging out with local youth.
After I woke up (I always woke up early because of the brightness), I went to fill water bottles and ask lifts from the petrol station with no result. I got bored and went to the road with a sign. After 20min, a car stopped and picked me up. They were 2 Polish (again! <3 Polish people) men going hiking to the Alps. They by-passed Wien and took me straight to Salzburg. My route changed a little bit but it was also reasonable one. The driver was a hematologist and thereby, a smart guy. He believes in God and that everything happens for a reason. That's why he picked me. If I could bring something new to his life. Conversation was very pleasant. During a break, I went sitting on a field, watching the vast and broad mountain landscape and to play harmonica. They even brought me an ice cream!
They left me to petrol station along the road and I went hitching to the road, to Innsbruck. There was a rush hour and it was interesting to see all the cars going slowly and looking at me when I'm hoping to get a lift. And it was damn hot. I think I got burned. However, I didn't have to wait too long until a car stopped. First time in my life, a young woman picked me up! Usually they are afraid of hitch-hikers or something. I take me hat off to her :). She studied geology in Innsbruck. There came a thunderstorm during the ride. Felt refreshing to put hands out and feel the big raindrops and watching the Alp scenery.
It was around 5pm in Innsbruck and sunny again! I went to a shop to buy fruits and beer and walked to a nearest park to relax. How nice it can be when you are on your own, sun bathing, eating nectarines .. One girl noticed me and came hanging out with me till the night. Her friend joined along. Smoked few cigs with them. They took me to their moped, offered some pizza, tips to go out from the city and showed a safe place to sleep outside, on a bench. Luckily card boards offered a softer platform to sleep.
Distance travelled for the day: 561km
- First time in my life, a girl picked me up.
- First time in my life, I slept on a bench in a park
- Hanging out with local youth.
After I woke up (I always woke up early because of the brightness), I went to fill water bottles and ask lifts from the petrol station with no result. I got bored and went to the road with a sign. After 20min, a car stopped and picked me up. They were 2 Polish (again! <3 Polish people) men going hiking to the Alps. They by-passed Wien and took me straight to Salzburg. My route changed a little bit but it was also reasonable one. The driver was a hematologist and thereby, a smart guy. He believes in God and that everything happens for a reason. That's why he picked me. If I could bring something new to his life. Conversation was very pleasant. During a break, I went sitting on a field, watching the vast and broad mountain landscape and to play harmonica. They even brought me an ice cream!
They left me to petrol station along the road and I went hitching to the road, to Innsbruck. There was a rush hour and it was interesting to see all the cars going slowly and looking at me when I'm hoping to get a lift. And it was damn hot. I think I got burned. However, I didn't have to wait too long until a car stopped. First time in my life, a young woman picked me up! Usually they are afraid of hitch-hikers or something. I take me hat off to her :). She studied geology in Innsbruck. There came a thunderstorm during the ride. Felt refreshing to put hands out and feel the big raindrops and watching the Alp scenery.
It was around 5pm in Innsbruck and sunny again! I went to a shop to buy fruits and beer and walked to a nearest park to relax. How nice it can be when you are on your own, sun bathing, eating nectarines .. One girl noticed me and came hanging out with me till the night. Her friend joined along. Smoked few cigs with them. They took me to their moped, offered some pizza, tips to go out from the city and showed a safe place to sleep outside, on a bench. Luckily card boards offered a softer platform to sleep.
Distance travelled for the day: 561km
maanantai 26. elokuuta 2013
Saturday, 3.8. (Day 3) Chestochowa-Mikulov
It was sunny when I woke up. Went straight to petrol station to fill water bottles. After I started asking from people but nobody was willing to give a lift. Some of the cars really were full, but most of the drivers had families and don't want to take a stranger (although a very nice one) to their cars. Many of them also didn't speak English. So I headed to the road next to the petrol station with a sign. I had to wait only around 30min and a car suddenly changed the lane next to where I stood. Other cars used their horns but I was quickly in the vehicle. Driver was a Polish police officer. He had a family and showed me photos of his children. He couldn't speak English (luckily I didn't meet him in some sketchy circumstances) but we still got along pretty well. He drove around 60km to a petrol station, next to a shopping centre near Katowice. I gave him one of my Muse bills I had collected from the concert in Helsinki. I think he got glad. At least he knew the band.
I went to look for more cardboard inside the shopping centre to make signs. The cashier of the cafe in which I asked from confused a little bit but could give me. She wasn't the only person who got confused when they met me. Odd questions, speaks English, blonde hair, a big backpack etc.
It was damn refreshing to stay a while in an air conditioned shopping centre. Then back out to the petrol station to ask lifts. One car full of Russian people were willing to go drinking with me when I said I'm from Finland. Unfortunately that was all I could communicate with them. I just got a ride to Katowice so I decided to continue forward rather than going drinking. It would have been an experience, though. The driver was a young man and his mother. He studied engineering and could speak English so I got a good picture of the city where I was about to go. Katowice is an old industrial region in Poland. There was a market place just next where they left me. I collected more cardboard and bought a vegetable kebab with 5 zlotys (1,2e!!).
There was a bus going straight to Gliwice, a place near to the road to Ostrava (Czech Republic). I decided to try black riding. Bus was full of people so it was a bit difficult to be there with so much stuff. I stopped in one place which I assumed was right, went to buy some food and started to make hitching sign. In the end, the place wasn't the right one. Various people came talking with me and wished luck for me. It gives always a good feeling when random people want to support you. I took a next bus to Zabrze, asked from people how can I get to the highway. I took a third bus to Knurow. There was a man and a woman in the bus (didn't know each other) who helped me a lot. Woman spoke good English and got interested when she heard me. They wondered with themselves the right spot to hitch. I just stared and wondered what on earth are they talking about. Then they helped me to stay on the right stop and advised to right direction and spot (which was a roundabout). How can they be so helpful?
While I was walking to a roundabout, which goes to the highway, a car suddenly stops in front of me. First I didn't put a notice on it, but then a young man comes out of the car and starts shouting at my direction. I looked behind but saw no one. He really meant me. He asked if I needed a lift to Ostrava. I didn't even really use my sign before, so how could he know? I got a bit suspicious and asked again if he really was going there and he said something about the highway. He also didn't speak much English. I thought this is by far the best chance I will get so I jumped in. He also seemed reliable, however very enthusiastic.
As soon as I got in, he asked me to take two Paulaner's from the backseat. For a moment I was like: What? But yeah. He had a whole package full of Paulaner Weissbier. Namm!! First I took only to myself, because he was driving but then he wanted to himself as well. Well, he knows what he's doing. It was chill. Driving along the highway, drinking weissbier. No worries, hakunamatata.
After all, he wasn't driving to Ostrava. He made some phone calls to get me a new lift. He drove to a resting place along the highway and started asking from the drivers there. Finally, a couple with a baby agreed to take me further. If he wouldn't have asked from them, probably they wouldn't have taken me, because of the baby. Before I jumped to new car, he gave me another weissbier and two 1,5l bottles of mineral water, just because he wanted. I just can't believe it's true. I bless this guy! Do these people really exist? They're not just in the movies. I gave him one of my Muse bills. He would have reserved more.
The couple had a radio phone in their car, which they used to ask lifts from the trucks. Finally, they asked from another car in traffic lights (with Czech plates). They could give me a lift. During the traffic lights, I moved my stuff to the other car, thanked the couple and went inside. There was a man with his wife and an elder couple. They were sympathetic. I could see a bit of mountains in the horizon. They left me to a junction which leads to Brno, my next destination.
It was damn hot. I sweated like a pig. Shower would be a good thing. I went hitching to the junction, but it didn't last a lot, because I noticed a small lake. I had to go there! And I went, although it probably was a bit shitty but I didn't care. It felt amazing. I got completely new mood after that. I went to a different place with my sign. I had to wait long. I was just about to change a place, but then a car stopped. Two polish brothers going to Prague through Brno. Afterwards they took me because they thought I was local and could tell them how to navigate :). Fortunately they thought that. Well, I had a map, which helped them. The other brother was bugged because he could drive only 130-150km/hour. In Poland they can drive around 200km/hour. Such a pity.
They left me to highway next to Brno. No reply from Couchsurfers in Brno so I continued further. I walked a short distance to a road to Wien. There were nice fields by the road and it felt tempting to go there. However, I made a sign and after 45min, I got a lift to Mikulov from a man who is a martial arts teacher. He had also been in the army in few places and in war. He was a nice guy. He drove me to a petrol station, where I started to search for lifts, but got bored very soon. I met a Polish and a Russian truck driver and they offered a beer and a bit food (luckily not rekkamiehen pastilleja). We had a strong moment with the Russian driver and brotherhood between Finland and Russia. He loved Turku :).
Then sleeping. I went to a bush nearby. Trees were spiky. I put my hammock but the trees didn't bear my weight. I was there only with my underpants and I got really pissed. I changed the trees but it didn't work either. For a while, I went to the ground with a sleeping bag but it was so damn hot and mosquitoes so I just had to go elsewhere. I found bigger trees and finally it worked. I was so tired..
Distance travelled for the day: 394km
I went to look for more cardboard inside the shopping centre to make signs. The cashier of the cafe in which I asked from confused a little bit but could give me. She wasn't the only person who got confused when they met me. Odd questions, speaks English, blonde hair, a big backpack etc.
It was damn refreshing to stay a while in an air conditioned shopping centre. Then back out to the petrol station to ask lifts. One car full of Russian people were willing to go drinking with me when I said I'm from Finland. Unfortunately that was all I could communicate with them. I just got a ride to Katowice so I decided to continue forward rather than going drinking. It would have been an experience, though. The driver was a young man and his mother. He studied engineering and could speak English so I got a good picture of the city where I was about to go. Katowice is an old industrial region in Poland. There was a market place just next where they left me. I collected more cardboard and bought a vegetable kebab with 5 zlotys (1,2e!!).
There was a bus going straight to Gliwice, a place near to the road to Ostrava (Czech Republic). I decided to try black riding. Bus was full of people so it was a bit difficult to be there with so much stuff. I stopped in one place which I assumed was right, went to buy some food and started to make hitching sign. In the end, the place wasn't the right one. Various people came talking with me and wished luck for me. It gives always a good feeling when random people want to support you. I took a next bus to Zabrze, asked from people how can I get to the highway. I took a third bus to Knurow. There was a man and a woman in the bus (didn't know each other) who helped me a lot. Woman spoke good English and got interested when she heard me. They wondered with themselves the right spot to hitch. I just stared and wondered what on earth are they talking about. Then they helped me to stay on the right stop and advised to right direction and spot (which was a roundabout). How can they be so helpful?
While I was walking to a roundabout, which goes to the highway, a car suddenly stops in front of me. First I didn't put a notice on it, but then a young man comes out of the car and starts shouting at my direction. I looked behind but saw no one. He really meant me. He asked if I needed a lift to Ostrava. I didn't even really use my sign before, so how could he know? I got a bit suspicious and asked again if he really was going there and he said something about the highway. He also didn't speak much English. I thought this is by far the best chance I will get so I jumped in. He also seemed reliable, however very enthusiastic.
As soon as I got in, he asked me to take two Paulaner's from the backseat. For a moment I was like: What? But yeah. He had a whole package full of Paulaner Weissbier. Namm!! First I took only to myself, because he was driving but then he wanted to himself as well. Well, he knows what he's doing. It was chill. Driving along the highway, drinking weissbier. No worries, hakunamatata.
After all, he wasn't driving to Ostrava. He made some phone calls to get me a new lift. He drove to a resting place along the highway and started asking from the drivers there. Finally, a couple with a baby agreed to take me further. If he wouldn't have asked from them, probably they wouldn't have taken me, because of the baby. Before I jumped to new car, he gave me another weissbier and two 1,5l bottles of mineral water, just because he wanted. I just can't believe it's true. I bless this guy! Do these people really exist? They're not just in the movies. I gave him one of my Muse bills. He would have reserved more.
The couple had a radio phone in their car, which they used to ask lifts from the trucks. Finally, they asked from another car in traffic lights (with Czech plates). They could give me a lift. During the traffic lights, I moved my stuff to the other car, thanked the couple and went inside. There was a man with his wife and an elder couple. They were sympathetic. I could see a bit of mountains in the horizon. They left me to a junction which leads to Brno, my next destination.
It was damn hot. I sweated like a pig. Shower would be a good thing. I went hitching to the junction, but it didn't last a lot, because I noticed a small lake. I had to go there! And I went, although it probably was a bit shitty but I didn't care. It felt amazing. I got completely new mood after that. I went to a different place with my sign. I had to wait long. I was just about to change a place, but then a car stopped. Two polish brothers going to Prague through Brno. Afterwards they took me because they thought I was local and could tell them how to navigate :). Fortunately they thought that. Well, I had a map, which helped them. The other brother was bugged because he could drive only 130-150km/hour. In Poland they can drive around 200km/hour. Such a pity.
They left me to highway next to Brno. No reply from Couchsurfers in Brno so I continued further. I walked a short distance to a road to Wien. There were nice fields by the road and it felt tempting to go there. However, I made a sign and after 45min, I got a lift to Mikulov from a man who is a martial arts teacher. He had also been in the army in few places and in war. He was a nice guy. He drove me to a petrol station, where I started to search for lifts, but got bored very soon. I met a Polish and a Russian truck driver and they offered a beer and a bit food (luckily not rekkamiehen pastilleja). We had a strong moment with the Russian driver and brotherhood between Finland and Russia. He loved Turku :).
Then sleeping. I went to a bush nearby. Trees were spiky. I put my hammock but the trees didn't bear my weight. I was there only with my underpants and I got really pissed. I changed the trees but it didn't work either. For a while, I went to the ground with a sleeping bag but it was so damn hot and mosquitoes so I just had to go elsewhere. I found bigger trees and finally it worked. I was so tired..
Distance travelled for the day: 394km
sunnuntai 25. elokuuta 2013
Friday, 2.8. (Day 2) Kaunas-Chestochowa
I woke up from the bush. Sun shined. It was chill. I ate a bit of dried fruits, packed my stuff and went to the petrol station to ask a lift towards Warsaw from the drivers when they fill their cars. After 30 min, I got a 5km lift to a next petrol station from a young guy. After a while, one man agreed to take me to a 3rd petrol station, which was along the highway to Poland, so it should be much easier to hitch from there. I started hitching with a sign along the highway, because the petrol station itself was totally empty. Sometimes a car stopped near for another reason and they refused to take me. After an hour, a truck stopped and took me to Polish border. He was a Russian man and couldn’t speak English. I had to try my Russian again. I almost fell asleep.
After he left me to the border, I wandered around a little to find a good spot. It was damn hot and I was tired. Few polish guys I met advised me to go to a place where drivers take breaks. Drivers said either no, or they were going to another direction. One car demanded 100e to drive me to Warsaw. I refused politely. I went to the road just before the border with a sign. It started to rain a little bit. I started to feel a bit desperate and almost smoked a cigarette but I could say no to the temptation because it would have felt like surrendering.
After 15min, a little truck stopped and agreed to take me straight to Warsaw. I felt so glad. Against all odds. He offered me a cigarette. It felt again as a reward. He couldn’t speak English that much but he laughed a lot and I could communicate quite easily with my gestures. He let me sleep because I was so tired and even apologized for bumpy roads. During the middle way, we went eating traditional Polish food. He wanted to offer that meal for me and refused when I said I could pay. How can he be so kind? The food was so good. Creamy soup with sausage and boiled eggs in it and sausage with sauerkraut and fries. And Coke! I’m 90% vegetarian but during this trip I loosed it a bit, to make things easier.
So, I travelled in Warsaw, trying to search for the place to Katowice which recommended. I had to ask from many people and they were very willing to help. One Polish guy came talking with me while hitching and we travelled by bus to a better place to hitch. After finding the recommended spot it was already dark, but only after 5 min, a car stopped and took me to Chestochowa, to a petrol station only about 60km from Katowice. I had had enough of hitching for that day so I went to nearest park, in the middle of trees and bushes behind a big pipeline, put my hammock and went sleeping.
Travelled distance for the day: 637km
Thursday, 1.8. Beginning of my journey + info and preparations (Day 1), Helsinki-Kaunas
What: Hitch-hiking alone from Finland to Italy to see a friend. To Croatia to a music festival. To Amsterdam to a gig.. and something else.
When: 1-22.8.2013.
Kilometres by hitching:
Tallinn-Caserta (3158km): .
Split-Deringaj (204km): Billund-Amsterdam (736km):
Split-Deringaj (204km): Billund-Amsterdam (736km):
Preparations for the journey:
- a backpack, a shoulder bag
- a sleeping bag
- a hammock
- clothes in a plastic bag (to prevent
getting wet), also pair of wool socks, gloves, a buff scarf, a towel
- pair of sandals, pair of sneakers
- a raincoat
- a headlamp
- earplugs
- cardboard and crayons for hitching
- matches
- a mobile phone, a charger
- bandages, plasters, painkillers
- desinfection liquid, toilet equipment
- a waterbottle
- a camera
- a roadmap of Europe
- Finnish- Russian dictionary
- dried reindeer meat, dried fruits,
nuts, coconut oil
- a traveller belt
- sewing equipment
- a spoon and a plate
- a blowable pillow (from wine
- a swiss knife 2X
- a compass
- a cotton bag
- readings
- Muse bills collected from the band's
gig as a memory of me
- Couchsurfing requests sent to few
- Tips written up from
Helsinki- Kaunas
Families, especially young children, stared at me with my backpack. The ferry terminal in Helsinki was crowded. I used my Swiss knife to cut cardboard for hitching signs. Children kept on staring at me.
On the ferry, I met Mara, a man between 50-60 years old. He was talkative, easy-going, plays guitar and I could sense the life experience when he talked. He got interested about my music projects and was willing to help and support when I return back from the trip. He offered long-drinks, because he had too many, and played my harmonica. He gave a good start and feeling to the journey I was about to begin. It decreased my excitement. He also gave me a sailor’s bag, just in case if I would have a need for it. I also found out that I had forgot my camera’s battery at home. Damn it, but no can do.
I went in front of the drivers cabin to ask a lift to Riga/Kaunas. I was too late. They had already gone down to the truck level. I went down there to ask, but didn’t get any. However, I got stuck between the trucks, because there was very little space between them and I had lots of stuff with me. They started to start the engines. I started to panic. Such a poor end for me. Finally, I could struggle myself out and return back to upper levels. A slight depression came out. After trying so hard with no result. I also found out that my water bottle had dropped out while struggling out between the trucks. I met Mara again. He was a bit tipsy and offered some more long-drinks to cheer me up.
I was in Tallinn around 2pm. I started to hitch from the harbor and after 30 min, I got a lift from a truck. Driver’s name was Sergei, from Russia. I got so excited that it was hard to get in the truck. He couldn’t speak English, so I had to try to remember some words in Russian. In Latvian border, he got me to another truck to drive me further by using radio phones they have with them in every truck. Second truck driver shouted “Davai, davai!”. And so we continued. He was also Russian and couldn’t speak English. I played some harmonica in the truck :). It rained a while outside and I was relieved because I didn’t have to be there.
Travelled distance for the day: 557km
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