A driver parked next to me in the morning, nearly drove to the fence in which my hammock was attached. even more, he looked at me weirdly. Next surprise was, that the noisy pigeons had shitted on my stuff. The ironic part was, the napkins I used for cleaning had two loving pigeons on the cover. Damn pigeons.. I wanted to empty some of the additional stuff so I left all the made hitching signs leaning on a wall.
I went to seek for a nice place to sit down and eat breakfast which consisted of a melon I bought from Naples. I also found some more cardboard. After walking through a horrible tunnel full of cars, I entered to the city centre. I bought some food and postcards from a shop. I sat on a nice promenade to write the cards. There was a lovely accordion player playing wonderful songs like Girl from Ipanema and Tango d'jealousie. It gave me such a good mood. Then a woman came talking with me. She wanted to give me one euro. Just because she wanted to. I accepted the donation with great gratitude, because she was really willing to.
After I went sleeping to a park for few hours, to have my siesta. Finally I continued my tour around the city, stopped to another park to make a hitching sign for Croatia. Apparently, it works as a good ice-breaker because a couple teenagers came talking with me because of their curiosity of my doings. They were really enthusiast as I told about my trip. They couldn't speak that good English but even helped me to carry my stuff when I started to go towards the harbor of Ancona. They gave me few euros and cigarettes. It's sweet when young people get so inspired. Maybe they will do something similar in the future. I had to wander around the harbor to search for boarding pass, but in the end I entered to the ferry (which goes from Ancona to Split). After enjoying one of the most beautiful sunsets from the ship deck and feeling the slight and warm wind, I went to look for a bench to sleep. I found a very comfortable and soft bench and could sleep quite well :).
This blog is about experiences, flourishing and conscious practice of self-development via different ways not that popular for a normal western world citizen.
Writing platforms can be found anywhere!
To get a mental kick on myself, to feel where I'm capable of, to overcome some of my fears , I decided to face a challenge.
It's originally found here: http://www.highexistence.com/epic-challenge-30-days-of-fear/
So, for the next 30 days, I must do at least one of the following each day (not all three):
- Something you fear
- Something you’ve been putting off
- Something you’ve never done before.
I will write about the next insane 30 days here at least weekly. And I'm not alone, there's 11 others of us. You can read of other's experience at Dreamspire.fi
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