Special about this day:
- First time in my life, a girl picked me up.
- First time in my life, I slept on a bench in a park
- Hanging out with local youth.
After I woke up (I always woke up early because of the brightness), I went to fill water bottles and ask lifts from the petrol station with no result. I got bored and went to the road with a sign. After 20min, a car stopped and picked me up. They were 2 Polish (again! <3 Polish people) men going hiking to the Alps. They by-passed Wien and took me straight to Salzburg. My route changed a little bit but it was also reasonable one. The driver was a hematologist and thereby, a smart guy. He believes in God and that everything happens for a reason. That's why he picked me. If I could bring something new to his life. Conversation was very pleasant. During a break, I went sitting on a field, watching the vast and broad mountain landscape and to play harmonica. They even brought me an ice cream!
They left me to petrol station along the road and I went hitching to the road, to Innsbruck. There was a rush hour and it was interesting to see all the cars going slowly and looking at me when I'm hoping to get a lift. And it was damn hot. I think I got burned. However, I didn't have to wait too long until a car stopped. First time in my life, a young woman picked me up! Usually they are afraid of hitch-hikers or something. I take me hat off to her :). She studied geology in Innsbruck. There came a thunderstorm during the ride. Felt refreshing to put hands out and feel the big raindrops and watching the Alp scenery.
It was around 5pm in Innsbruck and sunny again! I went to a shop to buy fruits and beer and walked to a nearest park to relax. How nice it can be when you are on your own, sun bathing, eating nectarines .. One girl noticed me and came hanging out with me till the night. Her friend joined along. Smoked few cigs with them. They took me to their moped, offered some pizza, tips to go out from the city and showed a safe place to sleep outside, on a bench. Luckily card boards offered a softer platform to sleep.
Distance travelled for the day: 561km
This blog is about experiences, flourishing and conscious practice of self-development via different ways not that popular for a normal western world citizen.
Writing platforms can be found anywhere!
Manifesting depths on mud
To get a mental kick on myself, to feel where I'm capable of, to overcome some of my fears , I decided to face a challenge.
It's originally found here: http://www.highexistence.com/epic-challenge-30-days-of-fear/
So, for the next 30 days, I must do at least one of the following each day (not all three):
- Something you fear
- Something you’ve been putting off
- Something you’ve never done before.
I will write about the next insane 30 days here at least weekly. And I'm not alone, there's 11 others of us. You can read of other's experience at Dreamspire.fi
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