My two days in Amsterdam were different. I was with my two friends, having a city holiday. I could leave my stuff to their hotel room and spend time in the city as a normal tourist, without a huge backpack and dust in my legs. We went to see a gig. I could sleep inside, on a soft, comfortable bed. I slept so well, by the way. The night was best in ages. My friends were so nice. I could sleep with them, to discuss deeply about things.
Late night, I went wandering my own, with harmonica. I wanted to explore, see the people going to their ways. I felt like I'm not part of their reality. Maybe I even wanted to feel alienated from them, an outsider. I enjoyed being alone. I went to look for food, a strange habit I learned. I found some chips. I went to play harmonica by the canal, like in some romantic movies. Nothing happened, however :/. I meandered in parks and met some alternative people to play guitar with. Some young, 16 year old people, hitch-hiked from east Germany! And I thought I was young :O.
I hadn't done check-in yet to the flight so I had to pay some additional bullshit, also for my backpack. But then, I was approaching Helsinki. Lights just closed down in the plane. Soon, I'm back home, alive, happy with new friends, and wiser.. well, hopefully. Life carries and supports you, wherever you go.
Mental attitude during the trip is different compared to normal routine life. Lots of energy, no worries, simple life. You are careless, positive and radiate good energy. People you meet usually come along for short times only, few days max. But they stay, at least in your heart. I remember all the people I met, so vividly. In petrol stations, borders, parks, some sketchy forest paths in the middle of the night.
I sometimes forget how my attitude was back then. I think, sometimes, I get that same, positive glowing feeling in my everyday life. And I remember how it was hard for me to adapt back, like there was no adventure anymore. That's depressing. But there are always adventures. You just need to see and search for them.
FINALLY, it might interest my dear readers, how much did all of this cost..
I counted everything, food, bus, plane tickets, money transfer costs, festivals, gig tickets, EVERYTHING. In three weeks, I spent 600e. For the first 8 days, I spent 54e.
This blog is about experiences, flourishing and conscious practice of self-development via different ways not that popular for a normal western world citizen.
Writing platforms can be found anywhere!
Manifesting depths on mud
To get a mental kick on myself, to feel where I'm capable of, to overcome some of my fears , I decided to face a challenge.
It's originally found here:
So, for the next 30 days, I must do at least one of the following each day (not all three):
- Something you fear
- Something you’ve been putting off
- Something you’ve never done before.
I will write about the next insane 30 days here at least weekly. And I'm not alone, there's 11 others of us. You can read of other's experience at
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