Writing platforms can be found anywhere!

Writing platforms can be found anywhere!
Manifesting depths on mud


To get a mental kick on myself, to feel where I'm capable of, to overcome some of my fears , I decided to face a challenge.

It's originally found here: http://www.highexistence.com/epic-challenge-30-days-of-fear/

So, for the next 30 days, I must do at least one of the following each day (not all three):

- Something you fear

- Something you’ve been putting off

- Something you’ve never done before.

I will write about the next insane 30 days here at least weekly. And I'm not alone, there's 11 others of us. You can read of other's experience at Dreamspire.fi

maanantai 20. tammikuuta 2014

1st week of challenge

Over a week ago, a good friend called me, if I'd like to get involved in a challenge. I said why not. Sounds intriguing. My personality is often, that I go into things which life brings inherently in front of me. I take them as opportunities and ways to discover new things about life.

Now, for one week I've been challenging myself. I should do one challenge a day, but often I get into a flow and continue doing other stuff I haven't ever done. Often challenges changed from what I originally planned to do, but that's what they call "change of plans" or "carpe diem". The things I did were mostly things I should have done, not that scary (except UE) or revolutionary.

 I decided to invest more on myself and develop DIY (do it yourself)-skills. I also wrote about my thoughts and emotions I felt and how they had changed, how I could process them more and know ways to do that.

No one told me earlier that I shouldn't bury strong sentimental emotions on the background and wait them to fade away, vice versa, how it's important to face them and go inside them, although it's exhausting and it hurts. I already reduced strongly my ways to gain hedonistic pleasure, such as intoxicants and masturbation. I want to learn other, implicit ways to feel pleasure. I feel I need to be more strict with people sometimes, even more selfish. And stop using conditional and "sorry" in my speech!

For this week, my biggest effort is to go busking in front of two shopping centres and play a support song for dumpster-diving. That scares me! That's why I need to do that. If I couldn't fail, what all would I do?

A rat tail

Here is a list of things for the first week:
- to start doing my master's thesis research plan -> planning started
- learn how to knit -> learning started
- to start yoga -> yes
- start doing kombucha -> yes
- go to a directed meditation -> yes
- arrange a time for taking a tattoo -> yes
- arrange a time for taking an ear-piercing -> yes
- ask someone to do a rat tail for my hair -> yes
- start to analyze and acknowledge social situations in which there is a need to be assertive -> yes
- learn what is permaculture about -> partly yes
- contact friends I haven't seen for a long time -> partly yes
- jogging to a university lecture and back -> no
- start writing a dream-diary -> no
- go busking -> no

a KGB car in industry area! Authentic
Inside the building
Additionally, I ended up doing more spontane things
- urban exploring to a new empty building
- get to know a new person
- physical exercise once a week
- go talking with random people
- rolling into a snow after sauna -> yes, on a roof
- planned a venture abroad

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